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I’m not quite sure what it takes to create a “national” holiday anymore.  It used to be we had the Federal holidays and a few others that were recognized nationally like Earth Day and Valentine’s Day, etc.  But did you know that September 27th is National Crush a Can Day? Now November 15th is America Recycles Day and Earth Day is nationally recognized on April 22nd.  But National Crush a Can Day is new to me… However, we love anything that raises awareness of recycling and making the Earth a greener planet, so hurray for National Crush a Can Day!

In other Green news, cork has found a new niche in building materials and it is taking off across the country!  Cork particles are now being used as a replacement for traditional insulation.  We have touted our own horn with cork wall coverings and even cork floor tiles as added insulators of both sound and temperature, but cork boardstock insulation is becoming a leader in green construction materials for handling insulation needs in attics and walls.  The same cork granules used in cork flooring and cork wall tiles are used for the insulation process.  However, these granules go through a little different process.  They are subjected to super-heated steam process that systematically causes the granules to expand and bind together.  Once complete, the cork is sliced into insulating boards and installed in various sizes and thicknesses.  The cork, as we all know, is biodegradable and will not introduce harsh toxins into your home. 

If the price tag for cork insulation frightens you, first think about the long term health and environmental benefits; these are certainly priceless qualities that outweigh the actual price.  But, we are realists here, and if the total is too steep, do consider our cork flooring tiles and cork wall tiles as an alternative for added insulation within your home for a much lower comparison price tag.  We have a wide variety of product colors and options to brighten your space and keep you temperate year round! 

We love sharing up-to-date cork news, views, and product reviews with you.  Please let us know if you have any questions with which we may be able to help you.  You are welcome to call our cork experts at 1-888-955-2675, email us at, comment here or on our FaceBook page.  Thanks for your support valued customer!

September 27, 2013

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